Monthly Archives: March 2017

Greetings from Eretz Yisrael and article about Jews in South Korea

Hi everyone!

Hope your Pesach preparations are going well. We’re, B”H, spending Pesach in Eretz Yisrael this year, and we’re very grateful to be here. If any of my readers are also in E”Y for Pesach and would like to meet up, please email me.

Meanwhile, my article about being Jewish in South Korea is in this week’s Tachlis Magazine, on page 66. Hope you enjoy it.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Two articles in Jewish Home and upcoming story in Hamodia’s Pesach supplement

Hope everyone’s Pesach preparations are going well. I had two articles in Jewish Home last week — sorry, I didn’t get a chance to post before Shabbos. MENTAL HEALTH REFERRALS FOR THE JEWISH COMMUNITY: RELIEF RESOURCES COME TO LOS ANGELES and, sadly, a tribute to Adam Krief, a”h.

Heads up — look out for my story, Growing with Barley, in the Hamodia Pesach story supplement.

Article about the Persian Jewish community in Tachlis Magazine

In honor of the month of Adar and upcoming Purim, my article, Persian Jews in Los Angeles: Carrying on the Tradition, is on page 48 of Tachlis Magazine, issue # 72. Enjoy!